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A must-attend for educators, policymakers, and industry leaders committed to advancing digital learning and innovation.

Event sponsors

Screenshot 2024-07-25 at

Advancing Digital Learning Symposium
November 8, 2024



Call for Proposals

If you are interested in presenting or sharing an article for the event publication, click here to submit a proposal.

This conference aims to bring together educators, policymakers, and industry leaders to explore and discuss the transformational role of digital technology in expanding global education access. Through our discussions, this gathering seeks to explore innovative practices, research findings, and strategies in distance learning education.


We invite proposals for presentations in the following tracks, representing key trends in distance learning:


  1. Transformational Role of Digital Technology in Expanding Global Learning Access

  2. AI Literacy and Integration in Education and Workforce Development

  3. Organizational Structures for Effective Online Learning Environments


Proposal formats:


  • Article Submission for Publication: Presenters may submit articles based on their research or best practices for publication in conference proceedings or affiliated journals.

  • Workshop: Interactive workshops that engage participants in hands-on activities, discussions, or demonstrations related to the conference themes.

  • Lightning Presentation: Brief presentations (typically 5-10 minutes) that provide insights into a specific topic or project.


Important Dates:


Proposal Submission Deadline: October 4, 2024

Notification of Acceptance by: October 9, 2024

Conference date: November 8, 2024

It is a pleasure to highlight our collaboration with Goldey-Beacom College (GBC) in Pike Creek Valley, a suburb of Wilmington, Delaware. 


Excited to announce that Delaware EPSCoR, the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, and GBC are co-sponsoring our kick off Annual Digital Learning Symposium on November 8, 2024 during National Distance Learning Week! 


EPSCoR, the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, is a federal grant program led by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help states develop their research capabilities and institutions. "Program funds are used to hire new research faculty; provide education opportunities for K-12, undergraduate and graduate students; purchase research instrumentation; catalyze new research initiatives; and create networking opportunities across the participating organizations."


The one-day event will take place at the Goldey-Beacom Event Center on the grounds of GBCs beautiful suburban campus which is accessible to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and other major cities in the Mid-Atlantic region.


Call for proposals is open if you are interested in presenting or sharing an article for the symposium publication! Click here to submit a proposal.

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Advancing Digital Learning Symposium
Event Speakers

Event Schedule

Date: November 8, 2024

Time: 9am-2:30pm

Location: Goldey-Beacom College Event Center

4701 Limestone Road

Wilmington, DE 19808

  • 8:00-8:45 am Breakfast/Registration (lobby)

  • 9-10 am Welcome Opening Address & Morning Keynote

  • Breakout Sessions

    • 10:15-11:15 am

    • 11:20am-12:20pm

  • 12:30-1:15 pm Lunch

  • 1:30-2:30 p.m. Afternoon Keynote & Closing Remarks

DelMarVa Digital Learning, Inc

d/b/a DelMarVa Distance Learning Association


State Chapter of the United States Distance Learning Association​


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